available lens materials and your lifestyle (hobbies, occupation, etc.). We provide every type of available lenses, including:

Progressive lenses

Special computer glasses

• Polaroid lenses (for sun and polarized lenses) • Polycarbonate lenses (the most impact resistant material for all children, sports and/or safety use) • Anti-reflection coatings (designed to reduce reflections and enhance the wearer’s appearance) In addition, the UEC Eyewear Center has more than 1,200 frames, in styles to suit any budget. Approximately 85% of all our glasses are fabricated on site, in our finishing laboratory, ensuring the highest degree of quality control. Contact Lenses The contact lens service provides wide variety of options for cosmetic and medically necessary contact lens patients as well as those requiring a prosthetic eye fitting. Contact lenses are medical devices and require fitting and follow up visits to finalize contact lens prescription. Cosmetic contact lenses are elective and can be worn in lieu of glasses. Medically necessary contact lenses are typically prescribed for patients who achieve better vision thru custom contact lenses compared to glasses and include but are not limited to, those with high astigmatism, keratoconus, post corneal surgery (including refractive surgery), aphakia (including infants), and post ocular trauma. Specialized services also include Corneal Refractive Therapy (Orthokeratology), prosthetic lenses for disfigured eyes, and tinted lenses for sports or color vision deficiencies. In addition to contact lens services, we also see patients in concert with consulting corneal specialist and offer in office treatment for recurrent corneal erosions. Pediatric Services Healthy eyes and good vision are critically important components of any child's ability to learn. In fact, 80 percent of learning is visually based - one reason why the American Optometric Association recommends that every baby receive a vision examination between 6-12 months of age. At University Eye Center, we provide comprehensive eye care to patients from infancy to adolescence, delivered by residency-trained Doctors of Optometry who understand how to put an apprehensive youngster at ease. • Tints and ultraviolet protective coatings.


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