Pediatric Services
Infant Vision Clinic
Children with Special Needs
Ocular Disease
Myopia Management
Social Work Services
Contact Lenses Vision Therapy
Payment & Insurance Options
Learning Disabilities
At University Eye Center you'll receive one of the most comprehensive eye examinations you've ever had. We don't make claims like "we'll get you out in under an hour," because we think your vision is too important to rush. Our eye care professionals take time to thoroughly assess the health and function of your eyes, including: • Ocular and General Health History • Refraction • Binocular Assessment • Ocular Health Evaluation • Glaucoma and Cataract Evaluation • Evaluation of Systemic Disease, including Diabetes and Hypertension • Contact Lens Services
Essilor Eyewear Center
The Eyewear Center at the University Eye Center is a state of the art facility that serves the needs of UEC patients, providing the highest quality glasses and sunglasses for your visual and physical comfort.
Being fit for new glasses requires knowledge and experience in both frame and lens design. Our courteous and experienced staff is composed of New York State licensed ophthalmic dispensers (opticians) who are experts in fitting glasses for infants, seniors and everyone in between. Many factors must be taken into account, including cosmetics, the nature and strength of your prescription,
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