Sick leave must be pre-approved by either submitting a form in accordance with your department policy or should be called in to the appropriate department in accordance with department guidelines. Excessive use of sick leave may result in the requirement to provide doctor's notes and or possible disciplinary action. 3. Personal Leave - Classified Employees Only UUP and MC employees are not eligible based on their bargaining agreement. Personal leave may be used for conducting personal business, religious observances, and absence due to extraordinary weather conditions, or vacation. Prior approval from your supervisor is required, although exceptions may be made in emergency situations. Personal leave is granted each year on your personal leave anniversary date. Most employees are credited with five personal leave days per year. Unused leave expires at the close of business on the day before your personal leave anniversary date. 4. Military Leave All college employees are entitled to leave without pay while serving in the military. Employees who are members of the National Guard or any reserve force called to active duty are entitled to leave with full pay. 5. Employee Organization Leave Certain officers, delegates and committee members of the union are granted leaves for performance of specific duties. Your bargaining union contract describes the circumstances under which employee organization leave may be taken. 6. Maternity Leave Maternity and child care leaves are available to permanent, temporary, and provisional employees; however, such leaves do not extend employment beyond the point that it would otherwise have ended. Leave can be granted with or without pay prior to the medical disability at the discretion of the department and/or University. The twelve weeks of FMLA Leave is unpaid. However, employees may prefer to use appropriate leave credits which will run concurrently (together) with FMLA Leave. Maternity leave covers the period of disability due to pregnancy and childbirth. Sick leave accruals may be used during pregnancy for the


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