ATTENDANCE RECORDS Faculty and staff must certify their attendance and record absences on monthly forms and classified staff must provide the record of their absences bi-weekly. All forms are provided by the Human Resources/Affirmative Action Office. Leave Benefits Leave Benefits constitute another valuable part of your total compensation package. The three major types of leave are annual leave (vacation), sick leave, and personal leave. Additional leave benefits, including paid holidays, are described below. The leave benefits available to you depend on a number of factors. Some of the factors are your bargaining unit, your pay basis (whether you are employed on an annual salaried, hourly, or per diem basis), and your work schedule (full-time or part-time), and your length of service. Check with the Human Resources/Affirmative Action Office about how these factors affect you. 1. Annual Leave Annual leave is also known as vacation leave. Please check with Human Resources to determine how much time you are eligible for. You must have prior approval from your supervisor to use vacation credits. Annual leave credits may be accumulated to a maximum number of days. The maximum is determined by the provisions applicable to your bargaining unit. 2. Sick Leave Accrued sick leave provides you with protection against loss of income if you are unable to work because of illness or disability. The rate at which you earn sick leave depends on your bargaining unit and date of hire. Check with the Human Resources/Affirmative Action Office about how these factors affect you. Sick Leave may be used for absences due to personal illness or disability, or visits to the doctor, dentist, or other recognized medical practitioner.


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