Policy and Procedure: Continuing Education Requirements Procedure Number: C-24 Page: 1 of 7 Effective Date: 11/8/2011 Revised: 12/4/2015 Last Reviewed: 3/12/2021 ______________________________________________________________________ Policy: To ensure that providers obtain continuing education (CE) on an on-going basis to maintain skills and knowledge to support the care, treatment and
services to the patients of the University Eye Center (UEC). Continuing Education Requirements for Credentialing
CE Requirement
Timing of CE Requirement
Clinical Course Work (see Privilege request form for specific CE requirements
40 hours every credentialing cycle(24 hours of the total must be in a disease related area for the NYS license)
to perform specialized procedures/services)
UEC Annual Mandatory Training Business Integrity/HIPAA
Each calendar year
Abuse Identification and reporting Environment of Care/Patient Safety
SUNY Compliance Training
Each calendar year
NYS Mandatory Training on Infection Control Clinical Course Work (see Privilege request form for specific CE requirements
Every four years
40 hours every credentialing cycle
to perform specialized procedures/services)
UEC Annual Mandatory Training Business Integrity/HIPAA
Each calendar year
Abuse Identification and reporting Environment of Care/Patient Safety
SUNY Compliance Training
Each calendar year
NYS Mandatory Training on Infection Control
Every four years
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