Clinical Management Protocols The UEC’s Clinic Council has adopted the Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) of the American Optometric Association as the clinical management protocols for the UEC. As these clinical practice guidelines are reviewed and updated on a regular basis they represent the highest level of understanding of current practices and evidence based medicine. Members of the clinical faculty have been asked to incorporate the Protocols into their patient care processes at the University Eye Center and into their clinically based academic activities at the College. Clinical Management Protocols are available to all via Home base in the electronic medical record. Since this information is readily available to all, the UEC Quality Assessment and Improvement committee will review patients' medical records according to the standards set forth by the Clinical Management Protocols. Quality Assurance and Improvement The UEC strives to ensure that the quality of patient care and services are monitored and evaluated utilizing evidence- based, systematic and comprehensive approach. The QA and I committee is responsible for reviewing a charts for each provider on an annual basis. QA&I Committee activities should Include but not be limited to the following: • Developing and implementing a Quality Assessment program. Identifying those aspects of care that are most important (e.g. high risk, high volume or problem prone) that may negatively impact the health and safety of the patients served within the UEC. • Developing indicators based on current knowledge, national standards, literature and clinical experience for performing quality review activities. • Monitoring and evaluating the quality of patient care through record review and established clinical guidelines. • Reviewing the specific quality of care provided by individual health care providers and communicating critical findings to the appropriate person(s). • Receiving information from the clinician in writing, regarding resolution of chart issues, to the Chair, QA&I Committee and their respective service chiefs. • Taking appropriate action for identified issues/ problems. Identified problems will be communicated to the Director of Professional Services/Chief of Staff, Clinic Council, and to other persons/departments as necessary. • Following all HIPAA standards, policies and procedures at all times


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