Diagnostic Services Include:

Comprehensive Vision Evaluation Visual Perceptual Evaluation

Clinical Interview

Neuro-Psychological Evaluation

Educational Testing Reporting Conference

Individualized vision therapy programs are based on the results of the diagnostic evaluations. Therapy program are directed at improving the visual, perceptual and cognitive skills which impair academic and vocational functioning.

Low Vision Service

Some patients have been told that "nothing more can be done"... that their reduced vision or loss of side vision cannot be corrected by any standard means. They have had to accept that daily tasks like reading, writing, watching television, and walking will be permanently made difficult by their "incurable" low vision. For these men, women and children with congenital or acquired vision loss, there is the Low Vision Service at University Eye Center. Our comprehensive low vision evaluation carefully assesses the patient's current visual status, identifies the goals and visual needs, and designs an individualized rehabilitation program to meet these needs. Rehabilitative measures include highly specialized eyeglasses and a full range of low vision devices such as hand and stand magnifiers, telescopes, microscopes and electronic magnification systems. Our Technology Center enables us to evaluate patients for CCTV's, computer adaptations and modifications, and other state-of-the-art high-tech devices. Other measures available include sun wear evaluations, lighting and environmental design consultations to maximize function in the patient's real world setting. We will also provide social services and referrals for Orientation and Mobility Training and Activities of Daily Living Programs as needed. Although low vision rehabilitation can not restore vision loss, most patients can benefit from services to make the most of their remaining sight.


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