Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation
The ability to learn in school, achieve on the job, and enjoy sports and recreation depends upon efficient vision. Vision, however, is more than the limited concept of sight measured in terms of visual acuity or "sharpness" - it is the process of deriving meaning from what is seen. It involves a complex network of physiological and neurological factors, including fixation and eye movement abilities, accommodation (eye focusing), convergence (eye aiming), binocularity (eye teaming), eye-hand coordination, visual perception and visual-motor integration. Problems in any one of these areas can be debilitating.
University Eye Center's Vision Therapy Service treats patients with developmental, acquired and/or some congenital visual dysfunctions, including:
Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)
Strabismus (Crossed or Wandering Eye) Binocular (Eye Teaming) Disorders Accommodative (Eye Focusing) Disorders Oculomotor (Eye Movement) Dysfunction Visual-Perceptual Dysfunction
If a comprehensive analysis and diagnosis of the patient's visual system reveals visual dysfunction, we will develop a treatment plan individualized to help the patient achieve their maximum level of visual performance. Possible treatment strategies include the use of lenses, prisms and patching, computer techniques, virtual reality and other equally proven treatment regimens. Another integral part of the Vision Therapy Service is our Learning Disabilities Unit - an interdisciplinary clinical, research and educational unit established to provide diagnostic and therapeutic services to children and adults with learning problems.
Learning Disabilities
Our Mission
To provide diagnostic and therapeutic services designed to meet the needs of children, adolescents and adults with learning related visual problems. Clinical services are provided by an interdisciplinary team of optometrists, psychologists and educational specialists.
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