INSTRUCTIONS : BE CALM, BE COURTEOUS, LISTEN, DO NOT INTERUPT THE CALLER, KEEP THE CALLER ON THE LINE AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. INFORM CALLER THAT BUILDING IS OCCUPIED WITH A LOT OF INNOCENT PEOPLE. NOTIFY YOUR SUPERVISOR OR UNIVERSITY POLICE BY PREARRANGED SIGNAL, WHILE CALLER IS STILL ON LINE. Date __________ Time ___________ Extension that call was received: ___________ Name of Person receiving call: ____________________________ Exact wording of the threat: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ QUESTIONS TO ASK : 1. When is the bomb going to explode? ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Where is the bomb right now? ______________________________________________________________________ 3. What kind of bomb is it? ______________________________________________________________________ 4. What does it look like? ______________________________________________________________________ 5. Why did you place the bomb? ______________________________________________________________________ TRY TO DETERMINE THE FOLLOWING (CIRCLE AS APPROPRIATE) Caller’s Identity : Male Female, Adult Juvenile, Age range ____________ years Caller’s Voice : Loud Soft High Pitch Deep Raspy Pleasant Excited Other ________ Accent : Local Not Local Foreign Region _______________________ Speech : Fast Slow Distinct Disguised Stutter Nasal Slurred Broken Taped playback Other __________ Language : Well Spoken/ Educated Good Fair Poor Foul Read message Other ___________ Manner : Calm Angry Rational Irrational Coherent Emotional Righteous Intoxicated Laughing Background Noises : Office Machines, Factory Machines, Trains, Automobiles, Animals, Music playing, Commotion, Street Traffic, Party atmosphere, Airplanes, Voices, Quiet 102

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