Procedure Number:


Page: 3 of 6

Effective Date:


Revised: 1/24/2022

Last Reviewed:


a bomb could cause greater human or property damage than the explosive or resulting fire. The decision to evacuate all, part or none of the facility is difficult. The decision should always be made with safety in mind and to prevent injury or death. To help in making that decision, a profile of the characteristics of calls and when a bomb was planted is helpful. A call, for example, made to a newspaper or radio station from a known extremist group would assume more credence than a call interpreted as a prank call. A call giving a specific location and time of detonation along with claimed credit by a known extremist organization would cause immediate evacuation of the building, and be considered as a credible threat. If you receive a package and you question its content, source, addressing, or you just feel uncomfortable about it, DO NOT OPEN THE PACKAGE. Call University Police immediately and isolate the package in a room. In case of fire or heavy smoke condition and the fire alarm system is not activated, employees should activate the nearest fire alarm pull station. The Fire Safety Director or Building Evacuation Supervisor will then proceed to ensure that the building is evacuated as quickly and safely as possible. Elevators will not be available for use, except when ordered by the fire department. All persons with disabilities who need assistance to evacuate, will be assisted by members of the Emergency Response Team. Immediate Evacuation The University Eye Center will be evacuated immediately under the following conditions: (1) Fire emergency and (2) When notified by the University Police Department. If you are asked to evacuate the building or when the fire alarm system is activated, you should immediately stop working and follow your fire warden’s instructions . Floor Searchers will check their assigned areas to confirm that employees, students, and patients have vacated their area and relocated to the staging area on the floor. All floor occupants will evacuate via the staircase exit communicated by the fire command station. Evacuation Procedures


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