Doctor of Optometry Microcredentials Catalog


Dr. Irene Frantzis

Background Contact lenses are prescribed medical devices worn by millions of people worldwide, that provide effective vision correction and life-changing therapeutic protection of the ocular surface. There exists a wide range of contact lens types from soft, daily disposable contact lenses to custom, profilometry-designed scleral lenses.

As contact lenses are constantly evolving, it is important that practitioners stay current on the newest lens designs, indications, and fitting techniques of both irregular and regular cornea patients. Practitioners eager to gain intensive clinical and professional experience in the theory and application of contact lenses will benefit from an increased and early commitment to personal learning and growth through specialized clinical and course opportunities.

Mission Statement The Cornea and Contact Lenses Microcredential allows students to gain professional, clinical, and research experience in the theory and application of contact lenses on both healthy and diseased corneas. Students will be provided with rigorous patient-care opportunities to manage anterior segment disease, contact lens care, and corneal disease. Learning Objectives  To explore in greater depth and detail the subspecialty of Cornea and Contact Lenses.  To achieve an advanced understanding of the role of contact lens fitting and design beyond the competency achieved at the completion of the Optometry Degree.  To gain exposure to cosmetic and medical necessary contact lenses as well as corneal pathology and prosthetic fitting.  To attain experience with and knowledge of patients with complex anterior segment pathology through effective co-management.  To intimately understand at minimum three internationally-recognized contact lens designs through achieving professional certifications or attending fitting seminars/webinars.


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