Doctor of Optometry Microcredentials Catalog
Please review the relevant Microcredential Program page for program specific requirements. General Requirements Active participation in Microcredential Journal Club Meetings in the third and fourth years. Meetings, scheduled by the program faculty, includes discussions of clinical cases, current scientific literature, impending research areas, preparation of professional case reports/publications, etc. Active participation in professional and/or student organizations; leadership roles preferred. Advanced Clinical Skills and Management Workshops as assigned by program faculty. Third Year Requirements One Elective in the program specialty area is required (electives are subject to change). The Independent Study in Evidence Based Practice elective, can be used to fulfil this requirement with prior approval from the program faculty. Specialty Clinic Rotation (5-Week/15-hour commitment). Eight Additional Specialty Clinic Sessions (approximately 4 hours/session). Fourth Year Requirements Specialty Externship Clinic Rotation in the Fourth-Year (12-week commitment). One Final Project Grand Rounds Lecture/Presentation Poster Presentation at a recognized national/international conference Scholarly Paper Written Case Report Research Study
Students enrolled in a Microcredential Program are expected to: Maintain a minimum term and cumulative GPA of 3.0. Earn a course grade of B or higher in relevant academic coursework as indicated by program. Earn a course grade of B or higher in Third Year Optometric Clinic and Fourth Year Clinical Internship course sequences with competent or higher Professionalism grade. Successfully complete the Microcredential Program requirements.
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