Doctor of Optometry Microcredentials Catalog
Low Vision/Ocular Disease Microcredential Curriculum Requirements
General Requirements Active participation in the Low Vision/Ocular Disease Microcredential Journal Club. Successful completion of Advanced Clinical Skills and Management Workshops.
Second Year Letter grade of B or higher in Ocular Disease I course. Third Year Successful completion of one of the following electives: ELC-522: Clinical Decision Making in Low Vision
ELC-525: Visual Field Techniques and Applications of Glaucoma ELC-520: New Issues in Glaucoma Letter grade of B or higher in the Ocular Disease II & III courses. Letter grade of B or higher in the Low Vision course. Successful completion of the following Clinic Assignments (as assigned): Third Year Specialty Rotation in Low Vision Clinic. Eight Additional Low Vision Clinic Sessions.
Fourth Year Letter grade of B or higher in the Specialized Low Vision Rehabilitation and Advanced Care In-House Externship Rotation, which includes: 4 Sessions of Low Vision Rehabilitation. 4 Sessions of Advanced Care (Glaucoma; Retina; Neuro-Optometric Care; Electro Diagnostics/VEP; Specialty Contact Lens). 1 Session of Medical Humanities (social work intakes; participation in low vision support groups; review of literature and studies on topics related to ocular disease, low vision, and the art of doctoring). Successful completion of a Final Project. 13
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