Doctor of Optometry Microcredentials Catalog


Background As experts in visual function and ocular disease, optometrists are uniquely qualified to provide low vision rehabilitation services. With optometry’s shift to a more medical model, low vision services have decreased, even through the number of visually impaired patients is increasing. This void leaves many patients that would benefit from low vision rehabilitation without proper referrals and without proper care. Low vision rehabilitation has profound implications for patient independence, activities of daily living, and quality of life. Without medical treatments to reverse leading causes of visual impairment, such as dry age-related macular degeneration, low vision rehabilitation remains the standard of care for managing these patients. The number of patients that are visually impaired is projected by the National Eye Institute to double to more than 8 million by 2050. There is and will continue to be a significant need for low vision rehabilitation to maintain independence and quality of life for these patients with ocular disease. Mission Statement The Low Vision/Ocular Disease Microcredential is aimed at increasing students' expertise in all aspects of caring for a patient with ocular pathology, from medical management of disease to rehabilitation of vision impairment. Students will not only develop the necessary technical skills to be competent providers, but they will study the art of doctoring to truly care for these patients with humanity and compassion. Learning Objectives  To develop understanding of the management of low vision rehabilitation services.  To increase knowledge of the various delivery models of patient care and how they are influenced.  To obtain additional exposure in advanced care.


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