Diversity and Inclusion Master Plan
Perceived biases were further analyzed by gender, age, race, religion, LGBTQ+, and Class:
Gender: Males reported higher averages then females in the following categories:
Type of Bias
M Male vs. M Female
Total Bias Score Bias based on Age
3.7 vs. 3.4
3.7 vs. 3.3 3.7 vs 3.2 3.8 vs. 3.5 3.7 vs. 3.3
<.00 <.05 <.00 <.00
Bias based on Race/Ethnicity Bias based on Sexual Orientation
Learning Disability
Mean scores for both groups are above 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, indicating that although the two groups perceive bias differently, there are no areas for concern that warrant further investigation. Race. Students self-identified as URMs had lower average scores in Bias based on race and ethnicity than White students (M URM =2.57, M White = 3.49, F(3,106)= 3.5, p<.05). It is important to point out that the number of URM in the sample is very low for inferences to be made with certainty. However, this is a finding that deserves further investigation in an attempt to determine, for instance, if URMs feel treated differently or if they perceive that the student community is not diverse enough.
Perceived biases were not associated with age, LGBTQ+, and Class.
3. Belonging, Concern about Welfare, Respect, and Fairness.
Students ’ feeling of belonging and camaraderie are apparent, with 93% reporting that they feel that they are “part of the College” community. In addition, 92% feel as if their peers are genuinely concerned about their wellbeing, 97% think they are respected, and 98% think their peers treat them fairly. As far as faculty and higher administration is concerned, results were equally encouraging. Eighty eight percent (88%) of student respondents agreed that the Administration/faculty at the College are genuinely concerned about their welfare, 83% feel that their thoughts are respected, and 91% feel that they are treated fairly.
Table 5. Perception of Welfare, Respect, and Fairness by Student Body
Answer Options
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Total Agree
Adm/Faculty Administration/faculty at this College are genuinely
P age | 69
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