DIMP 2.0
Key metrics
1. Percentage of faculty and students from underrepresented minoritized (URM) backgrounds enrolled and employed at the College. • Specific data to monitor include first year enrollment and three-year average of total URM student enrollment and URM faculty employment 2. Results of the SUNY Optometry Climate survey. • Specific data to follow include “experiences of exclusionary behavior,” “observance of exclusionar y behavior” 3. Number of DEI specific training, learning opportunities and initiatives offered. 4. Campus engagement in DEI specific training, learning opportunities and initiatives. • Number of people in attendance • Results of post event/initiative surveys 5. Results from internal surveys and/or an established tool (i.e., Intercultural Development Index (IDI)) to measure the impact of programs to increase cross cultural awareness, cultural humility, and cultural responsiveness on campus. • Surveys to monitor include the SUNY exit survey, residency evaluations and other post training surveys 6. Number of new and continuing partnerships and collaborations between SUNY Optometry and external stakeholders interested in helping promote DEI initiatives. 7. Amount of financial and human resources devoted to supporting DEI initiatives on campus. • This measure will include internal as well as external resources
SUNY Optometry | Diversity and Inclusion Master Plan 2.0 | 23
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