Biometry Imaging Study (B4) Why we are doing this study: This study will be evaluating the image quality of a new investigational imaging device that measures the dimensions of the structures inside the eye in various populations. Who can be in the study? You may be eligible to participate if you are 22 years of age or over and have: • Normal front of the eye • Or abnormality of the front of the eye (such as findings related to glaucoma or corneal surgeries). Further screening questions will be asked prior to scheduling an appointment. What the study involves: Participants will be screened with assessments typical of an eye examination (including dilation) to verify that the eye(s) meet the requirements to be grouped in one of the categories being studied. Eligible participants will have one eye scanned by the investigational imaging device as well as by an FDA approved device. The entire visit is expected to take up to 2 hours and may be split over 2 visits if necessary.
Will you directly benefit from the study? There is not expected to be any direct benefit. Other things you should know about the study: Participants will be compensated up to $200.
Principal Investigator: Mitchell Dul, OD For more information, contact the Clinical Vision Research Center
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