Words of Wisdom to the Class of 2020 from Your Alumni Commun
Class of 2020- it’s finally your time! You have had the weirdest end to your tenure at SUNY. I know you all must be very disap- pointed to miss out on a lot of the commencement rituals, but you will always have a fun (maybe more memorable than fun) story to tell about how this virus impacted you. As you start your careers as optometrists, know that it is 100% normal to feel like you have forgotten everything you’ve ever learned. It’s normal to feel that you and you alone are completely responsible for your patient care. I promise- all of your classmates feel the same way. Never hesitate to reach out to your friends and mentors when you have a question or just want to bounce ideas off someone else. None of us know everything there is to know about optometry and having someone you can talk to is incredibly helpful. With time, your confidence will build up and you’ll be much more comfortable in your new doctor skin. The alumni community is here for you! Use us as tools for referrals, advice, and jobs. You’re now a SUNY educated optometrist- you’re going to do well!! Congratulations!!!! Katie Brogan, 2018
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