Broad-Based Recommendations This section contains recommendations deemed essential by the TFRE to create the required organizational support for the successful implementation of this plan.
Goal: Provide organizational support for continued success
• Allocate yearly budget to support the College’s DEI goals •
Measures: budget established and funded on yearly basis • Responsible: CDO, Director of DEI, President
• Develop fundraising campaign to ensure continued funding of DEI goals and initiatives • Measures: funds raised to support DEI initiatives and programs • Responsible: President, Institutional Advancement, CDO, Director of DEI • Develop public-private partnerships to accomplish DEI goals • Measures: partners identified; action taken • Responsible: President, Institutional Advancement, CDO, Director of DEI • Establish a mechanism to ensure accountability and progress towards recommended actions • Appoint an Advisory Council to ensure implementation of the recommendations in this report • Measures: Advisory council established • Responsible: President
FINAL REPORT: Task Force on Race and Equity
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