o Measure: # of Black alumni involved in future orientations o Responsible: Office of Admissions, Alumni Affairs
Faculty/Student Mentorship
Goal 1. Pair incoming and current URM with faculty and/or alumni mentors Objective 1. Black Alumni Affinity Group
Establishing a Black Alumni Affinity Group will allow a resource to future and current students, providing shadowing and mentorship opportunities. To do so, utilize the registrar, the Alumni office, and reaching out via email to capture as many people as possible. The most difficult aspect will be to get in contact with past students who are dispersed throughout the country and we may not have contact info for. Currently we are trying to reach out to the university’s Alumni association to get names and contact info for students who have graduated in the last 10 years. The group would be open to all alumni, but focused on issues pertaining to Black alumni and students. o Measure: # of Alumni’s and students that are signed up and connected. o Responsible: Alumni Affairs, Office of Admissions, NOSA, Registrar Connect current and incoming URM students with faculty mentors who have volunteered to provide guidance to students who have opted into the program. The mentorship in many ways can be open ended or directed by student preferences. Mostly, the mentorship can be a supplemental resource to these students to allow for a more well-rounded experience at SUNY. The mentor can also serve as a liaison to the student to address concerns they may be having at the school or with administration (I.e. prejudices, microaggressions). Pairings can be done by means of survey matches. o Measure: # of URM students who request for a faculty mentor each year, # of faculty mentors recruited, end of year satisfaction survey o Responsible: Proposed position for Diversity and Inclusion, Student Affairs, Academic Affairs Goal 1. Continue to ensure that URM students feel supported and represented in our SUNY community Objective 1. Add a question to the Big/Little survey that allows URMs to select if they would like to be paired with a Big based on racial preference TF propose: If you identify as an underrepresented minority (Black or African American, Hispanic/Latino, Pacific Islanders, American Indians/Alaska Natives), would you like to be matched with a Big on the basis of racial concordance? o Measure: # of URMs matched with Big of choice Objective 2. Faculty Mentorship Co-Curriculum (Student Life/Support)
FINAL REPORT: Task Force on Race and Equity
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