Objective 3. Create a work-study position in which NOSA students work closely with Admissions. NOSA students help with interview days, tours, panels, virtual events, middle/high schools, and college outreach events. Overall, help streamline the work NOSA has been doing and additional work it wants to do with Admissions. Measure: Number of events collaborated with Admissions, number of URMs (Black and Hispanic) students served, # of interview days, tours, panels, virtual events, middle/high schools, and college outreach events Responsible: Office of Admissions, NOSA Objective 4. Create a Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) which would be offered to 10-15 historically URMs as well as those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The goal of SEP would be to broaden existing opportunities for URMs and serve to improve the participants’ qualifications and competitive standing for admission to SUNYCO or other optometry school programs. o Eligible candidates would include historically URMs and those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds who: Do not meet the criteria to apply for CSTEP and have not already participated in CSTEP in the past. (See Appendix D for CSTEP eligibility criteria.) Have applied to the SUNYCO program, were not accepted and want to participate to strengthen their future application to SUNY and/or other colleges of optometry Have been given contingency status of admission to the SUNYCO 4-year OD program (I.e. must complete SEP with a minimum GPA in order to be accepted to OD program) o Housing: Local college dormitory could be sub-leased by SUNYCO for the duration of the program o Meals: Participants would be responsible for purchasing their own meals o Transportation: 30-day unlimited Metrocard would be provided o Curriculum: The curriculum would follow a hybrid version of the subsets of the existing summer CSTEP program; incorporating an academic component, a clinical observation component, as well as career and admissions counseling and guidance in the form of workshops and one-on-one sessions with an admissions counselor. o The Academic component would simulate the 1 st year OD program experience at SUNYCO, including subject matters from several 1 st year courses: Human Bioscience Gross Human Anatomy Neuroanatomy Ocular Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology Integrated Optics
Optometric Theory/Clinical Optometry Integrative Seminar/Clinical Observations
o Testing/evaluations occur on a weekly basis with questions and testing format comparable to what is typical during the normal academic year o Mandatory ‘Library Hours’ with work study tutors available on site during these sessions. Measures:
FINAL REPORT: Task Force on Race and Equity
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