so it is difficult to incorporate diversity segments for this current cycle We were not able to get Black alumni to speak at the 2024 Orientation Very few URM NOSA members so many students may feel overwhelmed by so much involvement in orientation
Partner with NOSA to form more creative ways to incorporate diversity awareness segments at future orientations Alumni Affairs has already begun the process of identifying an estimated 70 Black ODs in alumni network through self- reported data and extensive research – this is an opportunity to engage Alumni Affairs more to invite future speakers/ODs of color SUNY Eye Network, with over 700 alumni indicating their willingness to volunteer, is available for students to access a deep pool of relationship capital and build a strong support network of professionals who can assist them with professional, academic and social development
Faculty/Student Mentorship SWOT Analysis:
Already have existing infrastructure in Family of Mentors program Opportunities to work with Alumni Dept NOA/NOSA will have two current NOSA members mentor students from two HBCU’s
Family of Mentors program is not specific to minority students, and only to 3 rd and 4 th years Family of Mentors program and the NOA do not offer mentorship to 1 st and 2 nd year students Lack of SUNY minority faculty to serve as mentors Many faculty and alumni have busy work schedules and may be unable to dedicate the time necessary to nurture mentor- mentee relationships Many alumni are years out and may be out of touch with material and SUNY student life
Create a SUNY faculty/student mentorship program that includes only current in-house faculty and build it into FTE NOA offers mentorship to 3 rd and 4 th year NOSA students NOSA can create a minority mentorship
program with SUNY Black alumni as mentors to include 1 st and 2 nd year students
Lack of pipeline for new URM faculty leaving a void of leaders and mentors “who look like me” for URM students
FINAL REPORT: Task Force on Race and Equity
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