SurveyMonkey Analyze - Export

Q1 What is your current gender identity?1
Q2 Before attending SUNY Optometry, where did you reside?1
Q3 Where do you currently work/practice?2
Q4 Which best describes the size of the community where you work/practice primarily?4
Q5 Did you complete a clinical residency program?4
Q6 What best describes your current primary professional setting?5
Q7 What best describes any current secondary professional setting you may have?7
Q8 How many hours per week do you work?9
Q9 What is your current work-related personal income?9
Q10 How often do you provide the following services?11
Q11 How well did your four-year optometric training prepare you to provide the following services to your patients?13
Q12 In what areas would continuing education be most useful to you today (select as many as apply)?14
Q13 Please rate your level of agreement with the statements listed below.16
Q14 Do you currently use the SUNY Optometry library (either online or onsite) as an information resource?16
Q15 Since your graduation, please rate your level of engagement with the College's Alumni Association.17
Q16 Please select all those that I apply to you (select as many as apply).18
Q17 About how often do you visit the SUNY Optometry website (
Q18 My experience at SUNY Optometry has allowed me to attain my professional goals.19
Q19 If I had it to do over again, I would choose optometry.20
Q20 If I had it to do over again, I would choose SUNY Optometry for my optometric education.20
Q21 Optometry has allowed me to meet my financial goals21
Q22 How would you rate your professional satisfaction at this stage of your career?21
Q23 What were the greatest strengths of your optometric education at SUNY Optometry?22
Q24 What areas of the professional program can be improved?22
Q25 Please feel free to provide us with any other comments on your optometric education or experiences while at SUNY Optometry.22

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