A: Superior or Excellent B: Very Good (above average) C: Average (minimally competent) D: Below Average (marginally competent) F: Failure X: Credit by exemption (not used in calculating GPA) NC: No Credit (not used in calculating GPA)
W: Withdrew voluntarily (no credit, not used in calculating GPA) U: Unsatisfactory/Failure (no credit, not used in calculating GPA) P: Pass (credit, not used in calculating GPA) H Pass with honors (credit, not used in calculating GPA) J: In Progress (temporary grade assigned when a course extends across terms and is replaced by a permanent grade at completion of the entire course) I: Incomplete (student failed to complete the requirements of the course in the required time) Grade Posting Student grades are posted in accordance with the policy on examinations described above and in a manner that will maintain confidentiality. There shall be no unauthorized disclosure of grades. All final exam and course grades must be posted within one week of the last final exam of the designated final exam period, but not before the day after the last final exam of the exam period. Course Remediation Students may not proceed in the program with grades of “F,” “U,” and “I” in required courses. These grades must be remediated within two weeks following the end of the academic term (defined as the date all grades for the term are posted by the registrar) in a manner determined by the instructor of record with the exception of Fall semester in which grades must be remediated within two weeks following the start of Spring semester, unless otherwise arranged through the Course & Standing Committee and the office of Academic Affairs. For grades of “F,” “U,” or “I,” it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor to arrange for equivalent course work, including the scheduling of an appropriate examination for credit and a final grade for the course. If there are difficulties because the IOR is unavailable, the student must contact the appropriate department chair. If the student is unable to comply with this requirement in a clinical sequence because of problems with clinic scheduling, he/she may petition the instructor for an extension with the concurrence of the appropriate department chair and dean for academic affairs. The new grade will appear on the student’s transcript with indication of the original grade. All grades for any repeated portion of the professional curriculum will remain on the transcript. Both grades will be used to calculate the grade point average (GPA) except in the circumstances that the student repeats a portion of the professional curriculum, resulting in his/her anticipated date of graduation being delayed by a year. In this case, the grade(s) in the repeated course(s) and not the original grade(s) will be used to calculate the grade point average. Under such circumstances, the student will be ineligible for college scholarships that are based on GPA. Any grade received during and after the repeated portion of the professional curriculum will remain on the transcript and will be calculated in the GPA and all policies regarding academic eligibility and course and standing will apply.
For students on academic probation with special programs, the dean for academic affairs, in conjunction with the Course & Standing Committee, may mandate specific criteria (such as a specified GPA or minimum course
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