Alcohol and Drug Policy The service and consumption of alcoholic beverages at SUNY College of Optometry are governed by the New York State Alcohol Beverage Control law and other laws of the State of New York. Based on such laws, campus policy is as follows: Alcoholic beverages may not be brought into the College’s building unless formal, written approval is obtained in advance from the vice president for student affairs. No person shall be served alcoholic beverages on campus to consume on campus or elsewhere: o `If that person is, or appears to be, under the age of 21; o If that person is, or seems to be, intoxicated or is known to the server to be a problem drinker. The individual group or groups sponsoring an event at which alcoholic beverages are served (the sponsor) shall be responsible to make sure that all New York State laws and regulations and all SUNY College of Optometry rules and regulations regarding the sale, use, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages are observed at such an event. This responsibility shall include, without being limited to, the following: o Items in this policy as stated above; o Instruction by the sponsor to the person or persons actually serving alcoholic beverages at the event that they shall not serve or sell alcoholic beverages to any person who is or appears to be intoxicated, who is known by the server to be a problem drinker or who is or appears to be under the legal drinking age. This policy is applicable to all events at which alcoholic beverages are served at the SUNY College of Optometry. In addition, specific policies, procedures and regulations governing particular facilities or populations will be developed by the persons or offices authorized to do so, in conjunction with the Office of Student Affairs or Human Resources. College Policy Statement on Drug and Alcohol Use by Students The SUNY College of Optometry is committed to the development and maintenance of a drug-free environment. In accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, the College will not tolerate the abuse of alcohol or the unlawful possession, distribution and use of controlled substances and alcohol on the SUNY Optometry campus. It is the position of SUNY Optometry that the abuse of alcohol and/or the illegal possession or use of other drugs adversely affects the College community’s pursuit of its educational and patient care goals. Furthermore, as a state-supported institution, it is the responsibility of the College to uphold both state and federal laws.
Compliance with the College Policy on Drug and Alcohol Abuse shall be a condition of attendance at the SUNY College of Optometry.
Any student convicted of any criminal drug statute violation occurring in or on property owned or controlled by the SUNY College of Optometry is required to give a signed, written notice of the conviction to the chief of University Police within five calendar days following the conviction. Students who violate the policy may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the College code of conduct. Possible disciplinary action includes probation or dismissal from the College. Further, violators may be required, as a condition of continued attendance at the SUNY College of Optometry, to participate in an approved drug or alcohol rehabilitation program.
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