Student Handbook
Requesting a Reasonable Accommodation under ADA Formal requests for reasonable accommodations must be submitted to the Student Disability Liaison, in the Student Affairs office, six weeks before the student needs a particular accommodation, or as soon possible. The Student Disability Liaison will make every effort to keep the matter confidential, but complete confidentiality cannot be always guaranteed. Students do not have to discuss their diagnoses with their faculty members, unless they choose to disclose the information. Documentation: • Recommendations of licensed medical professional or psychologist; • Proof of past testing accommodations (generally sufficient for the same testing accommodations); • Results of psycho-educational or other professional evaluations; • An applicant’s history of diagnosis; and • An applicant’s statement of his or her history regarding testing accommodations. Typically, students with learning or psychological disabilities are required to undergo adequate testing or examination by a licensed and qualified medical doctor or psychologist, disclose their diagnosis and verify that they are being properly medicated (if applicable) for the condition in question. Also, it is important for the attending physician or psychologist to provide a statement that recommends the accommodation(s) that the student needs and to explain how the provision of the particular accommodation will help the student be more successful in a College program. Students will be notified by the Student Disability Liaison, in writing, when a final decision is made to grant or deny a request for a reasonable accommodation. The liaison will notify college faculty when a student has been approved for a specific accommodation. The liaison will also notify the College’s director of human resources/Title IX officer, who maintains records of the accommodations granted for SUNY system compliance. SUNY College of Optometry reserves the right to verify the information provided by a student and to request additional information, as necessary, until a decision is reached. Types of Accommodations The SUNY College of Optometry historically has provided the following reasonable accommodation to students who have been approved, in advance, to receive them: • Extended time to take an examination • The ability to take a written examination in a quiet environment • Special classroom seating • Lecture Capture recordings (with instructor’s permiss ion) • Peer note taker • Tutoring Services • Assistive listening device, e.g. FM system
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