Student Handbook

ATTN: Bursar’s Office, Room 935 33 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036

Students may make payments in person by check, cash or credit card by visiting the Bursars Office between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm.

Late Payment of Tuition Unless there is a deferment, students whose accounts are not fully paid by the due date will be assessed a $30 late payment fee for balances up to $999.99; a $40 late payment fee for balances between $1,000 and $1,999.99; and a $50 late payment fee for balances of $2,000 or more. Furthermore, those who have not paid their tuition in full by the due date are subject to action according to SUNY Administrative Policy. This may include being denied subsequent registration and denied release of transcript and/or diploma. Deferment of Tuition Deferments must be approved by the Office of Student Affairs. A late payment fee will be assessed to accounts that are not fully paid after this date with an amount based on the late payment policy above. Tuition for Students on an Approved Medical Leave When a student is approved for a medical leave of absence either in the first or second module of a semester, they are charged full tuition for that semester. In the module of their last semester, they are not charged tuition (only fees) since the student is making up coursework that was paid for in a previous semester. The student would pay the entire fall semester (summer rotation, May - August and fall rotation, August – November) tuition at the beginning of the module they are in attendance and then would not pay for their last rotation in summer(May-August) because they would be making up the summer rotation in the next academic year. Tuition for Students Remediating Coursework If the student is required to retake coursework totaling more than 12 credits, during either of the modules, the student is responsible for the full semester tuition. If a student attends less than 12 credit hours in a semester they will be charged the per-credit hour fee. Eligibility and Disbursement of Financial Aid Eligibility for financial aid is determined through the Office of Financial Aid with the use of information from your FAFSA Form. Parents’ income is required for all grant programs and certain loan programs. Forms and applications are available in the Office of Financial Aid.

Students are encouraged to sign up for direct deposit of their refunds. Once refunds are available, the Bursar’s Office will notify you; and, if you have not opted for direct deposit, then


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