Student Handbook
• Students who cannot take an exam during the scheduled date, will have to get approval from the instructor and Department Chair. The request must be made as soon as the exam schedule is pos ted. Arrangements for a makeup will be done after the exam’s original date has passed. Grading System In each course, including laboratories and clinical internships, there will be established criteria for the assignment of grades. Faculty will provide timely, informative feedback from assignments, exams and other assessments as soon as possible and before the final, summative grade is issued. In addition, the IOR in collaboration with the Committee on Course & Standing and the Office of Academic Affairs, will identify and communicate with students considered by course IOR to be at risk after the midterm period.
Student course performance shall be reported on transcripts as:
Superior or Excellent
Very Good (above average) Average (minimally competent)
Below Average (marginally competent)
Credit by exemption (not used in calculating GPA)
No Credit (not used in calculating GPA)
Withdrew voluntarily (no credit, not used in calculating GPA) Unsatisfactory/Failure (no credit, not used in calculating GPA)
Pass (credit, not used in calculating GPA)
Pass with honors (credit, not used in calculating GPA)
J In Progress (temporary grade assigned when a course extends across terms and is replaced by a permanent grade at completion of the entire course) I Incomplete (student failed to complete the requirements of the course in the required time) Grade Submission and Posting Student grades are posted in a manner that will maintain confidentiality. There shall be no unauthorized disclosure of grades. Final grades must be delivered and posted electronically as instructed by the Registrar. All examination grades must only be posted electronically via the college’s on -line course management system. Final course grades will be posted through the student portal on . All final exam and course grades must be posted within one week of the last final exam of the designated final exam period, but not before the day after the last final exam of the exam period.
Grade Changes
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