Student Handbook

SUNY University Police Officer Status and Responsibilities SUNY University Police Officers are responsible for enforcing applicable city, state and federal laws as well as SUNY policies and College regulations. In order to do so, University Police Officers have full police officer status and have undergone required basic training for police officers through standards set by the Municipal Police Training Council and the State University of New York. Officers have been trained as first responders to both medical and non-medical emergencies, conflict resolution and undergo continuous training to upgrade their skills. A University Police Officer has the power to make an arrest on the College’s premises u p to the perimeter of the building. If an individual is arrested at the College, the NYPD Midtown Precinct South will be contacted for assistance to transport the arrested individual to be fingerprinted and photographed at the precinct. A “Crime Incident Report” will be filled out at the College and forwarded to the appropriate authorities. Communication is made to students and employees on how to handle and report crimes through the offices of Student Affairs, Human Resources and the University Police. The SUNY College of Optometry maintains a memorandum of understanding with the NYPD regarding mutual assistance and cooperation with investigation and enforcement of laws. Criminal activities that occur off campus should be reported to the NYPD precinct with jurisdiction in the local area. The memorandum of understanding with the NYPD details mutual cooperation with each institution during incidents of missing persons and violent felony crimes. Areas of cooperation include investigations, information sharing and reporting. Firearms and dangerous weapons of any type are not permitted on campus. It is a violation of State law and College policy to intentionally use, possess or sell firearms or any dangerous weapon on campus. Sensitive and/or Personal Crimes: An annual awareness talk on prevention of crimes, importance of support services and assistance to victims of sexual assault and other personal crimes is presented by the University Police. Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures The College’s Emerge ncy Response Plan is available on the University Police website: Information about preparedness, available resources, and what to do in the event of an emergency is available in the Colle ge’s Safety and Resource App (SafeInSight). Sexual Harassment & Violence Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. It includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual violence is a form of sexual harassment prohibited by Title IX.


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