
Mission (drae) : The mission of the SUNY Optometry Clinical Research Center is to promote new knowledge and technological advances in clinical eye and vision care through research with diverse pa8ent popula8ons in partnership with government agencies, industry, private founda8ons, and other academic ins8tu8ons.

Services: Provide assistance to all funded clinical research projects on… -­‐ Grant reports -­‐ IRB, HIPPA, GCP requirements

SUNY Optometry Clinical Research Center


-­‐ 2-­‐3 dedicated exam rooms -­‐ Special tes8ng rooms -­‐ Clinical Trials Office -­‐ Materials and data storage -­‐ Shared areas in services as needed -­‐ Director -­‐ Clinical Trial Coordinator(s) -­‐ Sta8s8cian(s) -­‐ Clinical Trial PIs -­‐ Clinical Inves8gators

-­‐ Subject recruitment and enrollment -­‐ Study coordina8on -­‐ Data collec8on and monitoring -­‐ Sta8s8cal analysis


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