Step 7: Receive Bids The IFB must state the location, time and date for the submission of the bids. Any bid received must be kept in a secured area by the agency and not opened prior to the date and time of the bid opening. As a general rule, bids received after the deadline specified in the IFB cannot be accepted. Step 8: Conduct Bid Opening The bid opening should be conducted at the location and time stated in the IFB. At this time, all timely bids are opened and recorded. It is suggested that a minimum of two staff conduct the bid opening; one to open and announce the bids and one to record them. This will create a “bid tabulation,” which must be kept as part of the procurement record and must accompany the bid package sent to OSC for approval, if necessary. The bid tabulation must include all timely bids received. It should be signed and certified by the agency staff responsible for opening and recording the bids. Bid prices listed in the bid tabulation should state the prices required by the method of award. Step 9: Conduct Administrative Review of Bid Submission The agency must ensure that the bid submission is complete and accurate. This includes: confirming that the bidder understood the specifications and can perform/deliver at the bid price, particularly if there are large variances in the bid prices between the apparent low bid and the next low bid; and ascertaining that all materials are submitted and appendices are signed. Step 10: Verify Responsiveness and Responsibility of Apparent Low Bid Beginning with the apparent low bid, the agency must verify that: 1) the winning bid is responsive by meeting all mandatory requirements and specifications of the IFB; and 2) the winning bidder is responsible. If the apparent low bidder is not found to be responsive or responsible, the bid must be rejected and the next lowest price bid must be reviewed. In addition, notice should be provided to an apparent low bidder who is being rejected as non- responsive or non-responsible. NOTE : In the event of a tie bid, the decision must be made in accordance with the State Finance Law §163(10)(a) and any policy stated in the IFB. Step 11: Make Award Once the agency has reviewed and verified the lowest responsive and responsible bidder(s), the award(s) shall be made in accordance with the method of award in the IFB. The agency must retain the supporting documentation as part of the procurement record.

New York State Procurement Guidelines 22

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