Operating Budget Manual – August 2010
The following definitions for expenditure functions are detailed below to assist campuses in completing their chart of account requests. D.4 – NACUBO Expenditure Definitions
Expenditures for all activities that are part of an institution’s instruction program. This includes credit and noncredit courses; academic, vocational and technical instruction; remedial and tutorial instruction; regular, special, and extension sessions. Excluded are expenditures for academic administration when the primary assignment is administration (academic dean). Expenditures for department chairpersons and administrators for whom instruction is an important role are included. Include expenditures for noncredit offerings that are part of adult education or continuing education, as well as adult basic education courses. This category also includes expenses for formally organized and / or separately budgeted instructional information technology. If an institution does not separately budget and expense information technology resources, the costs associated with the three primary programs will be applied to this category and the remainder to institutional support. RESEARCH (02) Expenditures for all activities specifically organized to produce research, whether commissioned by an agency external to the institution or separately budgeted by an organizational unit within the institution. This category also includes expenses for formally organized and / or separately budgeted research information technology. If an institution does not separately budget and expense information technology resources, the costs associated with the three primary programs will be applied to this category and the remainder to institutional support. PUBLIC SERVICE (03) Expenditures for activities providing noninstructional services beneficial to individuals and groups external to the institution. Included in this category are community service activities for conferences, institutes , general advisory services and reference bureaus, consultation, and testing services. Also include cooperative extension efforts between the institution and outside agencies. Expenditures for operation and maintenance of broadcasting services operated outside the context of the institution’s instruction, research, and academic support programs are also included in this category as well as expenses for formally organized and / or separately budgeted public service information technology. If an institution does not separately budget and expense information technology resources, the costs associated with the three primary programs will be applied to this category and the remainder to institutional support.
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