Operating Budget Manual – August 2010
the messages are sorted with the first message informational, then critical errors and warnings last. If the campus has an upload in process, chose the format and click the “Show Errors/Status” button to see the messages for the latest upload.
4. If necessary, fix the Excel file and repeat the entire process. a. Do not change the CSV file – change the Excel file. b. When you re-save the CSV you can change the name (versioning) or over-write the previous file. c. It is recommended that you save the files with the campus id, and a date and time stamp (i.e. 28999_Campus Name_20090521_1257.csv). 5. Once you have a clean upload, Finalize the Form 1 upload. This button will not be available if there are any critical or fatal errors in the data.
6. The system will generate an email informing System Admin (campus analyst) that the campus file has been finalized. The user will receive an on-line message stating that the upload has been finalized.
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