
Operating Budget Manual – August 2010

IFRs (including SUTRA) Prior Year - Year end URAS Report, URAS Accounts 3391, 3394 and 3841 Current Year - Quarterly audit trail report sent to URAS, Bursars, Accounting and Budget email lists Residence Halls Prior Year - Dorm Cash Report -or- 6/30 UAR610 report, revenue class 12861 Current Year - Dorm Cash Report -or- SCAJ, revenue class 12861 -or- UAR610 report, revenue class 12861 Fringe Collections Analysis Periodically during the year, current collection status is reviewed and communicated to each campus. At fiscal year end, any amount to be refunded will be made to each campus’ administrative overhead account for general IFR (900760). This account will also be used for any amount short of the annual target.


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