
Operating Budget Manual – August 2010

conjunction with the enrollment survey prepared after the first five weeks of the fall semester. In this fall update, the fall headcount is updated to agree with actual fall enrollment and the spring headcount estimate is adjusted. A final update of the projections is requested in the spring, using actual spring enrollment. Campuses will develop a base revenue projection using the funded enrollment only. Adjustments for resident/non-resident and full-time/part-time mix will be permitted. Along with the other campus-retained revenue components (interest earnings, offset fees, DIFR overhead, clinics, and miscellaneous items), this will constitute the campus’s Base Tuition base revenue projection . Supplemental SUTRA There is sufficient appropriation available for campuses that wish to include a Supplemental SUTRA component to do so once again this year. Campuses should develop a separate proposed revenue projection related to the anticipated overflow (or unfunded) enrollment. This projection will include an overall estimate of enrollment and the dollar value of the revenue. It is expected that the overflow enrollment will be entirely dedicated to instructional purposes. Positions supported with these funds will not be charged fringe benefits. As campuses prepare their plans to use the Supplemental SUTRA component, it is important to keep in mind that there is no State tax support associated with these students. Note that a campus is not required to provide a supplemental SUTRA projection, and may choose to only include the base revenue projection in their overall revenue target. The overall availability of the proposed Supplemental SUTRA allocation will be evaluated in conjunction with the total base revenue projections and total offset appropriation available. In the event that total campus requests exceed available appropriation, further individual campus discussions will occur. These two components will create the overall revenue target in support of the campus core instructional budget. The supplemental SUTRA component will be separately identified in financial plan documents, and will be included in the total campus budget allocation. College Fee The College Fee is a fee charged to all students in the amount of $12.50 a semester from all full-time students and $0.85 a semester credit hour from all special students at all State-operated institutions of the University. The College Fee is governed by PP 7804 - Fees, Rentals, and Other Charges. Other Fees Prior to the implementation of the BAP in 1998-99, campus revenue was pooled as part of the allocation distribution process. To recognize certain campus fee revenue, these fees were split between the IFR and the offset. The revenue from these fees remains a component of the projected revenue to support the campus operating budget. The fees • •


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