OCNY Trustee Prospectus

Terms of Trustee Appointments

The SUNY College of Optometry Foundation Board of Trustees shall be made up of representatives from the civic community and the optometric profession including SUNY College of Optometry alumni.


› The term of office is a 3-year renewable appointment with elections held annually. › Officers serve for one-year; the President may serve for a maximum of six years.


› Full board meetings occur quarterly (4 times per year) and committee meetings are held 3 4 times per year. › Each member of the board elects to participate in at least one committee. › Attendance occurs in-person and virtually throughout the year; all board members are required to attend the Annual Meeting (September) and are strongly encouraged to attend events in person. › Each board member makes an annual financial commitment. › Participation at key events such as the annual fundraiser and the scholarship awards is strongly encouraged.


New York City


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