Middle States Commission on Higher Education
State University of New York State College of Optometry
that evaluates its overall effectiveness in achieving its mission and goals and its compliance with accreditation standards.”
Suggestion: We commend the College for their initial steps to develop annual institutional goals that are clearly and closely tied to the strategic plan. We encourage the College to continue this effort and to ensure that annual institutional priorities are well understood by the entire College community.
Standard 9: Student Support Services: “The institution provides student support services reasonably necessary to enable each student to achieve the institution’s goals for students.”
Suggestion: As responsibilities for graduate program student support services are clarified, the College should assess the need for delivery of focused support services for graduate students. Standard 11: Educational Offerings: “The institution’s educational offerings display academic content, rigor, and coherence appropriate to its higher education mission. The institution identifies student learning goals and objectives, including knowledge and skills, for its educational offerings.”
Recommendation: The goals and objectives of the PhD program need to be articulated.
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