Microsoft Word - CLL949-C018 Website Language V1.0 13JAN2020
Approved by Sterling IRB IRB ID: 7687-DIacono
SHELL (S ilicone H ydrog el Contact L ens) Study
Why are we doing this study? This study will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an investigational contact lens compared to a marketed contact lens.
Who can be in the study? Eligibility Criteria:
Be of Chinese descent
Ages 18 or older
• Current spherical soft contact lens wearer with monthly, biweekly, or weekly replacement
Further screening questions will be asked prior to scheduling an appointment.
What the study involves: This study involves 4 office visits over a 3 month period. Subjects will be asked to wear one of two different types of soft contact lenses. The lenses will be provided at no cost.
Will you directly benefit from the study? Participation in this study does not directly benefit subjects.
Other things you should know about the study: Subjects may be compensated up to $300 for their time.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Danielle Iacono For more information, contact the Clinical Vision Research Center at (212) 938-4052 or
CLL949-C018 Website Language V1.0
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