MSCHE Evaluation Report May 2021
Team Report (Self-Study Evaluation)
Page 23
Standard VII: Governance, Leadership, and Administration
The institution is governed and administered in a manner that allows it to realize its stated mission and goals in a way that effectively benefits the institution, its students, and the other constituents it serves. Even when supported by or affiliated with governmental, corporate, religious, educational system, or other unaccredited organizations, the institution has education as its primary purpose, and it operates as an academic institution with appropriate autonomy.
In the team’s judgment, the institution appears to meet this standard.
This judgment is based on a review of the self-study report, evidence, and interviews with campus constituencies to clarify information and verify compliance during the self-study evaluation team visit. Summary of Findings The SUNY College of Optometry is an autonomous campus of the State University of New York, which comprises 64 individual campuses that are decentralized in location and administration and diversified in curricula. The overall direction of the State University is the responsibility of the Board of Trustees, which is comprises 18 members (15 members appointed by the Governor [seven-year terms], and the President of the Student Assembly, the President of the Faculty Senate, and the President of the Faculty Council of Community Colleges (no right to vote, three members) It is noted in the documents provided that t he Board of Trustees must comply with all legal standards and the Public Officer Law. The Board of Trustees is responsible for policy, oversight and governance of the University. The local College Council is an advisory council appointed by the NY State Governor to advise the College President on the operations and affairs of the campus. This structure is clearly portrayed in resource documents including state laws and regulation; Board policies, and by-laws. Their roles and responsibilities as a policy-making body fit with the customary template of present day multi-institutional organizations. The Board accepts the fiduciary responsibility for the long-standing welfare of the University, approves major policies, long-term plans, educational programs, and annual budgets and evaluates and monitors the performance of the University in achieving goals and objectives. The Chancellor is the Chief Executive Officer of the State University, and their role and responsibilities are described in the Board of Trustees-Policies. The College president is appointed by the Board of Trustees with the advice of the College Council and the University Chancellor. The Chancellor, College president, the supporting senior executives, and other senior administrative staff as well as the related components are delineated in the College’s Senior Management Organizational Chart. The College senior administration includes the following functional areas: Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Clinical Administration, Institutional Advancement, and Administration and Finances. Their respective roles, authorities, and responsibilities are outlined in a document labeled the Senior Administrator Responsibilities. The organization’s committee and council structures and responsibilities are described in a logical and functional format under Councils Descriptions and numerous other administrative, academic, research and safety, and operational committees. This President has the appropriate credentials and
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