Continue to seek external support for research infrastructure by o taking a leadership role in establishing the State University of New York Eye Institute (SEI) o submitting institutional support grants o coordinated fundraising for research by the Office of Institutional Advancement Support faculty primary supervisors and senior faculty as they develop mentoring skills for faculty development and management skills for more effective faculty teaching and evaluation. Continue to monitor faculty salaries with relation to appropriate benchmarks Review and align academic structure with strategic goals. Continue efforts to increase faculty diversity. D. Governance, Regional Accreditation, Administration, and Finances ACOE Standard IV; MSCHE Standards 3*, 4, 5, and 6 Leadership, Governance and Administration (MSCHE 4 and 5) 4.1 The governance structure of the program clearly assigns authority and responsibility for the formulation and implementation of policies that enable the program to fulfill its mission. The State University of New York (SUNY) was established in 1948 by an act of the State Legislature. It comprises 64 individual campuses that are decentralized in location and administration and diversified in curricula. The overall direction of the State University is the responsibility of a 16-member Board of Trustees appointed by the Governor (and confirmed by the State Senate) who also designates the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. A student member of the board serves ex-officio. A System Administration staff, headed by the Chancellor of the University, functions under the Board of Trustees and is located in the University’s system offices in Albany. Each unit of the State University is headed by its own chief executive officer and functions under the direction and leadership of the System Policy Administration staff. The College of Optometry is a free standing campus of SUNY. Its president, Dr. David A. Heath, reports to the Chancellor of SUNY, Dr. Nancy L. Zimpher, who, in turn, reports to the Board of Trustees. The policies of the Board of Trustees are given in Appendix D-1 and are also posted at The Board of Trustees is expected to comply with all legal standards for such governing bodies including any conflict of interest requirements.
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