which is now underway, more detailed data will be available for the specialty clinics. The quantity, quality and variety of each student’s clinical experience are carefully overseen by his/her educational facilitator. Students meet with their facilitator each semester to review their progress and clinical experience. Examples of the tabulated patient-encounter information that is discussed with individual students are given in Appendix B-36. The facilitators monitor each student’s patient encounters to ensure that he/she is receiving an appropriate mix of patients. In the past, the longitudinal tracking of student-patient encounters from year-to-year has not been strong (e.g., it is difficult to know if a student who graduated in 2009 saw more patients than a student who graduated in 2005). The recent implementation of the Meditrek tracking system will provide data to allow such analysis going forward. 2.9 The program has established a set of clinical outcomes for entry level practice [as set forth in ACOE standards 2.9.1 – 2.9.8] and evaluates student’s attainment of these competencies. As discussed in section 2.3, expectations for student achievement of clinical proficiency for entry level practice are informed by Competencies and Attributes for Optometrists Graduating from the State College of Optometry, State University of New York (Appendix A-4). The clinical competencies listed in this document have been operationalized through the development of the Table of Intern Clinical Competencies (Appendices B-28) that is employed to evaluate student clinical performance in Primary Care Clinic during the third and fourth years (Strategic Plan Goal 1.2). Expectations for performance increase as a student gains clinical experience and advances through the curriculum. ACOE standards 2.9.1-2.9.8 are subsumed into the Table of Intern Clinical Competencies . To provide stronger linkage to the didactic curriculum, a list of clinical conditions and procedures learned in each semester has been formulated and integrated into the Table of Intern Clinical Competencies (Appendix B-30) . The linkage between class and clinic helps to clarify the expectations for student knowledge and skills as the student progresses through his/her clinical experience. A goal of the Table of Intern Clinical Competencies is to standardize clinical learning objectives and the grading process. Students are evaluated in the UEC Primary Care clinic on the basis of performance with relationship to the Table of Intern Clinical Competencies . A copy of the Primary Care grading form can be found in Appendix B-29. Professional responsibility is included as an assessment category.
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