Importantly, the alumni survey revealed that more than 88% strongly agreed or agreed that “The curriculum prepared me to remain up to date in my clinical knowledge and skills.”

Overall, alumni expressed satisfaction with the SUNY optometry program, with over 81% strongly agreeing or agreeing that “If I had it to do over again, I would choose SUNY.”

Other programmatic indicators such as attrition rate (less than 4.5% -- see section 6.1) (Strategic Goal 1.8) and default rate on federal loans (< 1% over the past 8 years) are very positive and continue to be monitored. From 2002-2009, an average of 36% of the graduating class has indicated intent to complete a residency (Appendix E-14). This value compares very favorably to the commonly cited national average of 20% and supports our mission to improve “patients’ lives by providing…specialized optometric care” (also see strategic plan goal 1.1). More than 93% of respondents to the 2010 Alumni Survey report finding a position within 6 months of graduation, and more than 84% strongly agree or agree that “I am happy in my current position.” Of those alumni who practiced at least 35 hours per week), more than 69% had an annual net tax income derived from optometry of $100,000 or more per year, while for those practicing 41 hours per week or more, over 52% had incomes of $120,000 or higher.

Only slightly more than 7% strongly disagree or disagree that “I have found my student loan payments to be manageable.”


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