The five main disciplines tested in Part I are (a) anatomy (b) biochemistry/physiology (c) immunology/microbiology/pathology, (d) optics and (e) pharmacology. NBEO provides the College with the average scores (number correct) and standard deviations for SUNY students in each of these disciplines and their sub-disciplines, as well as comparable national performance. As indicated by the comparative data below for first-time takers, SUNY pass rates consistently surpass the national averages.
With the 2009 implementation of the newly restructured Part I, students who sat for the exam were surveyed by the dean to determine how well prepared they felt they were for the exam. The dean and interested faculty members also met with the class to learn of the students’ experiences with the exam. The results of the survey and meeting were shared at track coordinator’s meetings as well as at Dean’s Council. The general consensus, which has been borne out by student 2009 and 2010 performance, was that students were well prepared for the newly reconfigured examination. (The dean also surveyed and met with students after they sat for the 2010 Part I exam.) Part II (PAM), which has a targeted administration in December of the fourth professional year, consists of 60 simulated patient cases and is administered over two sessions, each 3½ hours in length. The examination covers (a) clinical presentation, (b) clinical correlation of basic science principles, (c) diagnosis, (d) treatment/management and (e) legal issues/ethics/public health for refractive/sensory/oculomotor and disease/trauma conditions. As with Part I (and Part III), the NBEO provides the College with the average scores (number correct) and standard deviations for SUNY students in each of the subject areas (and topics within these broader categories), as well as comparable national performance. SUNY pass rates are compared with national rates below:
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