Besides the National Board examinations and an in-house case-based integration examination given in the middle of third year, the clinical educational experience of third and fourth year students is assessed by several processes including: Tracking of student-patient encounters both on-campus and at externship sites using the Meditrek system (please see page 40). Grading students in clinic with standards that derive from the College’s definition of entry-level optometry. These standards are well defined for Primary Care Clinic and need further development elsewhere. Oversight of each student’s clinical experience by an educational facilitator (see below) who tracks the student’s patient encounters and intervenes to work with students who are having difficulties in clinic. Each student-patient encounter is supervised by a licensed clinical faculty member who evaluates the student’s performance. In addition, all third- and fourth- year students are assigned an educational facilitator, who is a licensed optometrist and member of the faculty responsible for overseeing the student’s overall clinical performance as the student progresses through his/her clinical experience. Educational facilitators report directly to the chair of the department of clinical sciences and are provided with administrative time. There are two facilitators assigned to the third year of the program and one to the fourth year. Please see Appendix B-27 for the educational facilitators’ role and responsibilities. Expectations for student clinical skills achievement are derived from Competencies and Attributes for Optometrists Graduating from the State College of Optometry, State University of New York (Appendix A-4). This document forms the basis for the Table of Intern Clinical Competencies (Appendix B-28) that is employed to evaluate student clinical performance in Primary Care Clinic during the third and fourth years (Strategic Plan Goal 1.2). As can be seen in the table, expectations for student performance increase as they gain clinical experience and advance through the curriculum. The Table of Intern Clinical Competencies , which contains clinical learning objectives for each stage of the student clinical experience formulated so that they correspond to the “SOAP” format 5 of patient examination, was developed in a collaborative manner by the clinical faculty with the objective of standardizing clinical learning objectives and the grading process. The learning objectives were last reviewed in 2010 by the dean and the chair of the Department of Clinical Sciences, discussed at a meeting the Department of Clinical Sciences and subsequently revised (Appendix B-28). A section on Professional Responsibility , which includes professional ethics, is included. The electronic clinical grading forms reflect these expectations (Appendix B-29).
5 SOAP, referring to Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan, is a commonly used terminology for patient record keeping.
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