Specialized programs in both classroom and clinic-based formats to support expanded scope of practice in areas such as oral pharmaceuticals and glaucoma management Starting in May 2010, a newly-designed collaborative effort with the New York State Optometric Association called Continuing Education-New York (CE-NY) will provide five full-day courses at five different sites around New York State. Courses taught through the OCPE are submitted for approval to the Council on Optometric Practitioner Education (COPE), a national clearinghouse for all continuing education courses of a state-wide, regional or national scope. This requirement applies to each offering on the above bulleted list. COPE is a committee of the Association of Regulatory Boards of Optometry (ARBO), which is the association that currently represents 50 US optometry boards, 4 US territories/jurisdictions, and 2 Canadian boards. To obtain COPE approval, submissions must list course learning objectives and include a topical outline. An example of a course proposal is given in Appendix B-24. Curricular Evaluation and Program Assessment Optometrists have the opportunity to obtain required continuing education credits through a large variety of local, state and national organizations. Competition among continuing education providers is keen, making enrollment and enrollment trends an important aspect of program assessment. In 2002, SUNY College of Optometry launched Envision New York, an annual three day program, as its premier continuing education event. As indicated in Appendix B-25, this program has steadily grown in size from 241 attendees to over 500 attendees, placing the College well on its way to becoming the first-choice continuing education provider for the majority of New York optometrists (Strategic Plan Goal 1.7). For all of the 2009-2010 live continuing education programs, there were 1,711 attendees who completed at total of 10,621 hours (for an average of 6.21 hours/attendee/event). The total number of subscribers for the online programs was 477, who completed 2,139 hours (for an average of 4.48 hours/subscriber). Historically, the director of the OCPE has been in ongoing communication with optometrists who take courses to obtain their feedback. The director is present at the courses and is well-known to the attendees. Speakers are selected based on their expertise on topics, feedback from senior faculty, reputation within the profession, and academic credentials. Although no formal surveys of courses are now conducted, an online survey is under development that will be available to participants when they receive an online certificate of course completion. This has been undertaken by the newly appointed Director of the OCPE, Dr. Richard Madonna, and an expanded OCPE staff. The salaries of the director and staff of the OCPE come from revenues generated by the activities of this office.
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