responsibility for assessment of the various graduate programs. It meets periodically to consider changes in the Graduate Policy Document and to make recommendations concerning curriculum, educational and admissions policy to the associate dean for research and graduate studies. The committee is expected to:  develop criteria for the evaluation of the curriculum  periodically review the curriculum  assess any proposed changes in the curriculum  suggest course sequencing and scheduling to provide the most efficient learning opportunities When making recommendations, the committee considers the results of surveys of courses and graduates of the PhD program (discussed under Assessment of Student Learning ). The Committee on Graduate Program, Policy, Admissions and Standing initiated a comprehensive review of the PhD curriculum in 2007 (Strategic Plan Goal 2.4). Although the previous curriculum was effective in meeting the needs of graduate students, the program was primarily tailored to educate students who entered the program with prior training in optometry, medicine/ophthalmology or biology. After numerous discussions with faculty members and reviewing similar programs at other institutions, it was determined that the program was too restrictive in its admissions criteria (compared to similar programs) and would benefit by attracting students with broader backgrounds and interests, particularly students with training in psychology and mathematics. The admissions requirements were changed to eliminate the requirement for specific courses (e.g. biology and chemistry), thereby broadening the potential applicant pool to include students with strong quantitative skills who may not have a background in the life sciences. With the recent hiring of faculty members with strengths in computational neuroscience and visual psychophysics, it was thought that the program was well positioned to attract and train such students. The change is admissions requirements was deemed consistent with our mission (and strategic plan goal 2.4). All entering students must hold a baccalaureate degree (or a professional degree in a health science); obtain acceptable scores on the Graduate Record Examination (aptitude test), or at the discretion of the Committee on Graduate Program, Policy, Admissions and Standing, the OAT or other similar examination; and demonstrate the ability to express oneself clearly in both written and spoken English. Foreign applicants from non-English speaking countries are required to submit the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores. The Committee on Graduate Program, Policy, Admissions and Standing recommended reconfiguring the PhD curriculum to promote interdisciplinary study and greater flexibility consistent with the College’s strategic plan (Goal 2.4). It differs from the old curriculum in several ways. Introduction to Vision Science , the first year proseminar that provides a broad background in visual


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