be compared to that of students trained under the new curriculum. The first class to be trained under the new curriculum (Class of 2012) will take the integration exam in early 2011. As with any major curricular change, there have been challenges, particularly with respect to the balancing of student course loads. The administration has been proactive at seeking feedback from students to resolve the inevitable implementation challenges. Through meetings with the professional classes and focused Web-based surveys that were described previously (Appendices B-2a and B-2b), the dean has been able to identify these challenges. Implementation issues are discussed at the well-attended meetings of the dean and track coordinators (initially held bi-monthly and currently monthly). All faculty members, including course coordinators and instructors, are invited to participate in these meetings. Although limited by the sample size, the Student Survey (Appendix B-3) administered in the spring of 2010 to all classes shows that students in the Class of 2013 (first-year students in the two graphs that follow) are considerably more satisfied with course sequencing and integration than the first class to take the new curriculum (Class of 2012: second-year class in graphs below).

The Curriculum is Appropriately Sequenced

10 12 14 16 18 20

No. of Responses

0 2 4 6 8

Fi rst ‐ Year Second Year

Strongly Agree

Agree Neutral Di sagree Strongly Di sagree Responses

Courses are Well Integrated One with the Other

10 12 14 16

No. of Responses

Fi rst ‐ Year Second Year

0 2 4 6 8

Strongly Agree

Agree Neutral Di sagree Strongly Di sagree Responses


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