assessment of learning outcomes. Details are provided under the appropriate standards. SUNY College of Optometry is highly successful at recruiting strong students and educating and graduating qualified entry-level practitioners. Evidence supporting this assessment is provided in response to the specific standards in this and other sections of the Self-Study. In brief, data will be provided that demonstrate that: 1 The professional program attracts and enrolls one of the most highly qualified optometric student bodies in the nation (page 69) The attrition rate is very low (Appendix E-5) Learning objectives and expected competencies have been established for all courses and clinical experiences (pages 32) Learning objectives and expected competencies are informed by entry level practice as defined by the College (page 32) The curriculum is continuously evaluated and regularly revised based on these evaluations (page 14) Pass rates on the national licensing examination administered by the National Board of Examiners in Optometry (NBEO) have consistently been strong (page 36) The College’s clinical facility, the University Eye Center, provides students with the opportunity to train in one of the nation’s most high-volume, clinically diverse and challenging eye clinics (Section G) Students rotate through external clinics selected to complement on- campus training (page 22) Graduates are successful and express a high degree of satisfaction with their professional education (page 39) 2.2 & 2.5 The minimal length of the professional optometric curriculum is four academic years or its equivalent. Instruction in the optometric program is not shared with another program or institution. The professional (doctor of optometry) program is four academic years in length including summer sessions following the second and third years. As a free standing campus of State University of New York, the College has full authority and responsibility for all educational programs and does not share instruction with any other program. 2.4 The program engages in periodic and systematic curricular evaluations by students, faculty and administrators. The professional program is reviewed periodically and systematically with various assessment tools by the diverse constituencies within the College. The results of these assessments are employed to improve the curriculum and student learning experience.
1 Pages and sections given below are provided for quick reference purposes. Additional information is provided in the appropriate sections of the Self-Study document.
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