Master Plan for 2013 – 2023, which is currently underway, needs to ensure it is based upon its ongoing strategic planning process. The College’s strategic plan and outcome measures need to be reviewed and tested for alignment with the strategic priorities of the University. B. Curriculum & Student Learning: New curricula for both the professional and graduate degrees have been implemented and assessment strategies for effectiveness are underway. Review needs to be ongoing (annual) and assessment tools revised to increase effectiveness. C. Faculty Research and Scholarly Activities: The College has an established and growing basic science research program. Areas for further development include the Center for Clinical Research and the SUNY Eye Institute (SEI), a collaborative research initiative with the four SUNY academic medical center departments of ophthalmology. D. Governance, Regional Accreditation, Administration and Finance: The College has a strong fiscal base, but is vulnerable to continuing decline in the State’s economy. The College will need to continue to be creative in managing its resources while striving to achieve its strategic goals. E. Student Admissions and Services: While continuing to pursue high quality matriculates, the College needs to redouble its efforts to increase diversity among its student body. Efforts to enhance the student experience are underway and the development of the Center for Career Development needs to move from the planning stage into implementation. F. Facilities, Equipment and Resources: The College has been very successful at procuring State support for capital improvement construction projects scheduled for the next three years to renovate the 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd floor mezzanine levels. A new Student Center and improved teaching facilities will be the key result of these projects. The campus is actively participating in a system-wide master planning process for its campus for the period of 2013 – 2023 that needs to be based upon well-developed strategic priorities. G. Clinic Management and Patient Care Policies: The University Eye Center is well positioned for future growth, but needs to be proactive, anticipating the impact of health care reform and embracing new technologies. It is important for the purchase of the new EHR to be completed and implemented to achieve greater efficiencies and ease of use, improved record keeping, and the creation of a research patient registry for clinical trials. Efforts to assess patient care operations and compliance against national standards will improve the quality care provided and position the UEC for greater integration into the NY health care system. In summary: Since the last accreditation visit, the State University of New York State College of Optometry has undergone the most significant transition of leadership since its establishment in 1971. The College of Optometry has a strong academic program, vigorous patient care enterprise and a growing research community. These programs are supported by a solid resource base from which to increase its effectiveness and impact over the coming years. With the development of its


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