A more detailed description of the UEC QA program can be found in Appendix G- 8, and QA activity for January 1, 2007 through June 30, 2009 can be found in Appendix G-9. In addition to reviewing faculty, the QA team also evaluates clinical indicators and works on specific projects requested by the director of professional services. The clinical care indicators represent conditions of high risk, high prevalence or both and are amblyopia, diabetes, glaucoma, cataract and myopia. Appendix G- 9 gives data for clinical indicators from 2000-2009. Faculty members are informed of their flagged charts. Level 2 and level 3 flags are immediately brought to the attention of the director of professional services. The chief of the particular service where the patient was seen is then informed. The chair of the QA team is notified when the issue has been resolved. Detailed QA reports are provided to the chief of staff/director of professional services and Clinic Council quarterly. Service chiefs share the information with their faculty at the next scheduled service faculty and staff meeting. Patient and Student Surveys Patient’s satisfaction surveys, which can be completed anonymously, are available on all clinic floors as well as on the UEC website ( These forms are submitted to the UEC’s Chief Operating Officer and processed as described in section C-9 of the UEC Policy and Procedure Manual. Results for the one-year period through September 20, 2010 can be found in Appendix G- 10. Beginning in November 2010, the UEC will be conduct satisfaction surveys in the waiting area with patients via face-to-face interactions. We expect these surveys to provide more detailed information regarding satisfaction with our services. Patients will be randomly selected to participate, and Spanish speaking staff will administer surveys to Spanish speaking patients. Students submit evaluations electronically with respect to clinical faculty. This information is accessible by the clinician, the chair of clinical sciences and the A Business Integrity Program was developed by the VP for Clinical Affairs within the past 18 months (Goal 3.2). All clinical faculty and staff as well as interns and residents are required to take this on-line course, including a test, annually. The program can be accessed at A primary focus of this program is the appropriate billing and coding of insurance claims. dean for academic affairs. Business Integrity Program


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